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Dr. Xiaobai Shen Edinburgh Business School, UK
3 TalksBiography
Dr Xiaobai Shen, is senior lecturer in the University of Edinburgh Business School and also the convenor of East Asian research Network for ISSTI, the institute for the Study of science technology and innovation.
She previously worked as a mechanical worker, university teacher, and research fellow in China, before... read moretaking her PhD in Edinburgh University in 1991; then becoming a research associate in IMD, Switzerland, and business consultant prior to the current post. Her academic background lies in Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, and her previous work includes socio-technical analysis of technological capabilities in ICT and biotechnology sector, from a developing country perspective. Her current research interests are centred upon the innovation of those technologies with some characteristics of “public goods” (such as open source software, infrastructural ICT, agricultural biotechnology), and the role of Intellectual Property protection regimes, Standards, and government policies and regulations. She is the author of The Chinese Road to High Technology: the Case of Digital Telecommunications Switching Technology in the Economic Transition (Macmillan 1999).