Ms. Rachel A. Wohl Maryland Supreme Court Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office, USA
1 TalkBiography
Rachel Wohl is the director of MACRO, Maryland's Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office (MACRO). She is an award winning attorney, mediator, negotiator and trainer who co-chaired the ABA Dispute Resolution Section's Task Force on Improving Mediation Quality. She is a founding board member of Mediators Beyond Borders and is working... read moreon MBB projects in Greece and Israel. She has practiced meditation for over 20 years and is a highly regarded meditation teacher in national and international venues including law schools. She is adjunct faculty, teaching “Tools of Mindful Awareness for Dispute Resolvers,” at Pepperdine University Law School’s Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution. Ms. Wohl and Leonard Riskin have written an article about the "tools of awareness" they developed, which is to be published in the 2015 Harvard Negotiation Law Review.