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Invite colleaguesProf. Leigh Sparks University of Stirling, UK
2 TalksBiography
Leigh Sparks is Professor of Retail Studies at the Institute for Retail Studies, University of Stirling, Scotland, UK and is also Head of the University’s Graduate School. Prof. Sparks has an undergraduate degree from the University of Cambridge, and completed his Ph.D at the University of Wales. He has been... read moreprofessor at Stirling since 1992 and has also spent extended research periods at Florida State University and the University of Tennessee. Prof. Sparks is well known for his research on retailing and is the co-author of Logistics and Retail Management, the fourth edition of which is published by Kogan Page in 2014. Prof. Sparks was the only academic member of the UK Department of Trade and Industry's Retail Strategy Group, is Chair of the Scotland's Towns Group, a Board Member of IDS Scotland Ltd, the company set up by Scottish Government to oversee Scottish Business Improvement Districts and has recently advised the Scottish Government on the Future for Town Centres and the Lessons to be Learned from the Horsemeat Scandal. He runs a blog on Scottish retail matters ( and is a Black Belt on the Brickmeetsclick e-commerce site.