Dr. Haileyesus Getahun Stop TB Department at the World Health Organization, Switzerland
1 TalkBiography
Dr. Haileyesus Getahun is Coordinator of the TB/HIV and community engagement unit at the WHO Stop TB Department in Geneva, Switzerland. The core focus of this unit is to develop relevant policies, strategies, guidelines and tools to further advance universal access to TB and HIV prevention and care, and community-based... read moreTB activities, including the effective engagement of nongovernmental and other civil society organizations. Dr. Getahun leads efforts to scale up the implementation of collaborative TB/HIV and community-based TB activities. He also coordinates the Secretariat of the Global TB/HIV Working Group of the Stop TB Partnership that is composed of key global TB and HIV stakeholders, and sets the advocacy agenda for the global TB/HIV response. Before joining WHO, Dr. Getahun worked in several public health areas including in HIV/AIDS and reproductive health in Ethiopia in both the government and non government sectors at different levels. He was trained as a medical doctor in Ethiopia followed by Masters and PhD training in public health at the University of Ghent and Institute of Tropical Medicine in Belgium. In October 2011, Dr Getahun was awarded the prestigious Union Scientific Prize for his work on TB and HIV-associated TB.