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Dr. Donald Rosenfield Sloan School of Management, MIT, USA
1 TalkBiography
Donald Rosenfield, who sadly passed away in 2018, was Director of the Leaders for Global Operations Program, and a senior lecturer at MIT's Sloan School of Management. He was co-author of Operations Strategy, Competing in the 21st Century and Modern Logistics Management, and contributed numerous articles to Harvard Business Review,... read moreOperations Research, Management Science, and Sloan Management Review.
Dr Rosenfield served at M.I.T. since 1980 as Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, and Visiting Associate Professor, and directed the Leaders for Global Operations Program for 26 years . He also served on the faculties of Harvard Business School, the State University of New York, and Boston University. Prior to joining MIT, Dr Rosenfield served on the staff of Arthur D. Little, Inc. from 1976-1988 focusing on logistics and manufacturing strategy. Dr Rosenfield received a Ph.D. in Operations Research from Stanford University.