Prof. David Naor The Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Israel
1 TalkBiography
Professor David Naor is a professor of immunology in the Hebrew University, faculty of Medicine and was the head of Milton Winograd Chair of Cancer Studies. He received his Ph.D from the Hebrew University. He served as visiting professor in leading universities (e.g., UC Berkeley, Harvard). He published 150 articles,... read moreincluding in leading journals like Nature, PNAS , J Clin Invest, J immunol , J Exp Med etc. His current research. has been focused on the role of CD44 and other hyaluronan-binding molecules (e.g., RHAMM) in autoimmune and cancer diseases. This CD44 research yielded 35 articles, which were cited thousands of times. He was invited to speak on CD44 at 8 plenary sessions of international conferences. He has been a member in editorial boards of several international scientific journals and he is on the scientific board of International Congress on Autoimmunity. He received awards from Johnson & Johnson "In recognition of outstanding research towards the advances of science and technology in health care” and from the Hebrew University for his “outstanding achievements in research and teaching”