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Prof. Leslie Willcocks LSE, UK
1 TalkBiography
Leslie Willcocks has an international reputation for his work on e-business, information management, IT evaluation and information systems outsourcing. He is Professor in Technology Work and Globalization, Director of the Outsourcing Unit and Head of the Information Systems and Innovation Group at the Department of Management at London School of... read moreEconomics and Political Science. He is also Associate Fellow at Templeton College, Oxford, and Visiting Professor in Information Systems at Erasmus University, Rotterdam and at University of Melbourne. He holds a doctorate in information systems from the University of Cambridge, and has been for the last 20 years Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Information Technology. He is also Fellow of the British Computer Society and of the Institute of Personnel Development. He is co-author of 33 books including most recently The Outsourcing Enterprise (Palgrave, 2010) Outsourcing Global Services (Palgrave, 2008), Major Currents in Information Systems (Sage, 2008, six volumes), Information Systems and Outsourcing: Studies in Theory and Practice (Palgrave 2009), The Practice of Outsourcing: From IT to BPO and Offshoring (Palgrave, 2009), The Handbook of Global Outsourcing and Offshoring (Palgrave, September 2009); China's Emerging Outsourcing Capabilities (Palgrave, 2010).