Prof. Peter Billingsley Sanaria Inc., USA
1 TalkBiography
Peter Billingsley completed doctoral studies at Queen's University in Canada and a post-doc at the Swiss Tropical Institute in Basel. He was awarded a prestigious Royal Society University Research Fellowship in 1988 which he held at Imperial College, London. He moved to Aberdeen University in 1995 where he was Senior... read moreLecturer and Head of Zoology in the School of Biological Sciences. He has published over 80 peer reviewed articles in international journals and has previously served on the editorial boards of major parasitology and entomology journals, the College of Experts for the Medical Research Council (UK), and advisory boards for mosquito control trials in Africa. Before joining Sanaria, Dr. Billingsley directed research groups at Imperial College (London, UK) and the University of Aberdeen (Scotland, UK). His research interests bridge laboratory and field-based investigations of vector biology, most notably midgut physiology (he is the co-editor of "Biology of the Insect Midgut") and the physiology of ageing in mosquitoes. In 2006 he moved to Sanaria Inc., bringing his expertise to bear on the unique challenges of developing and deploying a live attenuated Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite vaccine.