Mr. Graham Page EVP, Consumer Neuroscience, Millward Brown, UK

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Graham is Executive Vice-President, Consumer Neuroscience, at Millward Brown, based in Warwick. He studied experimental psychology at Oxford, and has worked for Millward Brown in Warwick, Chicago and London since 1992. Graham worked on a wide variety of brands and categories as a client service director, prior to becoming a... read moredirector in the Research & Development unit at the end of 1999. He was appointed head of the Innovations unit in April 2004, with responsibility for creating new research techniques, and developing Millward Brown's existing suite of brand, advertising and consumer research tools for implementation across the company's 70+ offices worldwide. For the last few years, he has led Millward Brown's development of methods based on neuroscience and cognitive psychology. In 2010 he became head of the newly created consumer neuroscience practice, a business unit tasked with the integration of neuroscience methods into Millward Brown's global offer. A frequent platform speaker, Graham has written and presented on an extensive range of topics, including building successful brands, consumer segmentation, brand elasticity, corporate reputation, emotion in advertising and neuromarketing. His paper 'Cognitive neuroscience, marketing and research: separating fact from fiction', co-written with Professor Jane Raymond of the University of Bangor, won best paper at the 2006 ESOMAR Congress.