Mr. Grant Millar Managing Director, Vizeum, UK
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Grant is Managing Director of Vizeum UK a top-ten UK media agency responsible for £220m client billings across media accounts including Coca-Cola, AOL, Heinz, BMW/MINI & 20th Century Fox. Before joining Vizeum in the summer of 2005, Grant was British Telecommunication's Head of Planning and Media for 6 years, responsible... read morefor all communications strategy and channel investment decisions across a marketing budget of more than £250m. He wrote the original plan and brief for the launch of broadband in the UK and is a passionate advocate for how the digital networked society requires a complete revolution in media services from agencies. As an ex-client Grant is focused upon meeting clients' evolving needs in an increasingly complex and frustrating marketplace. He was Campaign Magazine's first ever client-side ‘Face to Watch', and in 2003 voted BT Marketer of the Year.