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Invite colleaguesFast-changing cyber threat landscape and a new reality of cyber security
The world is changing, for good or for bad — only we can decide and help shape it. This paper explores and examines the faster-than-ever changing security landscape, including cyber security vulnerabilities, modern threats, threats that these methods pose, and various issues that arose in subsequent years and continue to threaten the digital environment and our world. It reviews different countermeasures for these threats, evaluates and compares different security tools, from legacy to state-of-the-art and artificial intelligence (AI)-based new ones, which help to mitigate those evolving threats and dangers. Finally, the paper assesses the current situation in the cyber security job market, personnel and security management.
The full article is available to subscribers to the journal.
Author's Biography
Antanas Kedys is a cyber security professional with deep knowledge and experience in critical industries such as health, finance and government. He is the owner of the managed cyber security services company ACyber, which provides cyber security services for businesses and organisations, mainly medtech and fintech, that are in need of cyber security management or compliance. Antanas’ attention to detail, continuous learning, strategic thinking, professional experience leading cyber security teams and broad experience as a chief information security officer (CISO) in various business sectors enables him to ensure cyber security at the highest level while providing excellent and easy-to-understand communication between tech and top-level management. Antanas was a panel speaker at several international and local cyber security conferences and has released several publications on the topic of cyber security.