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Invite colleaguesTrust me! Exploratory research into office design and organisational trust causality
Swinburne University of Technology, Geyer and The Great Place to Work (GPTW) undertook a research project in 2012–13 in Australia that aimed to test causality between workplace design and organisational trust. The motivation behind the research was to identify what aspects, if any, of workplace design could influence the level of trust between employees and the organisation for which they work. Organisational trust literature suggests that low levels of trust increase transaction costs, persuade employees to work towards individual goals rather than collective ones and dismiss organisational authority. These are serious concerns for business leaders. The global financial crisis along with corporate misbehaviour have exacerbated the issue, bringing organisational trust to the forefront of many business leaders’ agendas. This study suggests causality between workplace design and organisational trust cannot be claimed. Nevertheless, the enquiring process produced important insights that increase an understanding of how the physical environment impacts trust and the role that workplace design plays in it. Results are discussed within the context of (1) space and time flexibility; (2) quality and size of space as a hierarchical currency; and (3) leadership.
The full article is available to subscribers to the journal.