Priming of T cell responses 1

Published on November 30, 2017   30 min

A selection of talks on Immunology

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Hi. This is Victor Appay speaking from the National Institute of Health and the Medical Research in France, and it's my pleasure today to give a lecture on the Priming of T Cell Responses in the context of a series on Immunotherapy of Cancer. The presentation you're going to see today has been prepared by Francesco Nicoli, from the Universities of Ferrara and Padua, my colleague, and myself, Victor Appay, from France and Japan. First, we will start by a few slides of introduction on the importance of T cell response in the context of cancer.
Two decades ago, a key question that has been asked by oncologists and immunologists has been, can the immune system recognise and eliminate malignant tumours? Over 20 years of intense research, the answer to this question has been definitely, yes. Immunosurveillance of tumours does indeed occur.
The committee has shown that both the adaptive and the innate arms of our immunity are clearly involved in tumour recognition and clearance, and that, interestingly, the mechanisms of tumour recognition and clearance are very similar to what has been found in order to fight pathogens. For instance, in a simple scheme here, you can see that tumour cells can be recognised and captured by antigen presenting cells, cells from the innate immune system, and that these cells will present antigens to cells of the adaptive systems in particular, T cells, CD4 and CD8 T cells. Later, the CD8 T cells will differentiate into potent cytotoxic T cells that can then eliminate tumour cells. After many years of research,