Multimedia Lectures by leading world experts
New resource currently on trial
The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection can be used for teaching and as a continuing support for researchers. It includes seminar-style talks on a wide range of topics that range from basic research to therapeutic intervention, from the level of the single molecule to entire populations and includes both advanced and introductory-level talks.
Example content on Pain
Pain chronification and the distinction between acute and chronic pain
Prof. Ravi Prasad University of California, Davis, USA
Cancer pain
Prof. Judith Paice Northwestern University, USA
The descending modulation of pain
Dr. Kirsty Bannister King’s College London, UK
Current thinking in pain medicine and some thoughts on back pain
Dr. Nick Hacking Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Why does pain exist, how does it work, what can go wrong and how is it treated?
Dr. Ewan St John Smith University of Cambridge, UK
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