Extended-form Case Study

The yellow duck: a marketing case study

Published on August 31, 2023   15 min

A selection of talks on Marketing & Sales

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Welcome to Case Study 1 of the series. I'm Roddy Mullin, a business consultant helping retail firms, the professions, government bodies, and charities make money since 1987. I'm both a chartered marketer and a chartered engineer. I'm also an author of marketing and sales books since 1999. See the last one slide for a list of my books.
Though there are many case studies available to view online, searching for them is time-consuming. As a practitioner, I believe in presenting real case studies that work. Research shows that agencies refer to marketing books with case studies included for instant results when a client wants an idea for a marketing campaign by yesterday. Of course, they modify the idea. The latest book, Promotional Marketing (second edition) 2018 has 85 case studies and 83 briefs which illustrate promotional points shown true case studies and briefs, which are mini-case studies. This is a case study I've called the yellow duck because that was the key creative by which a hotel chain attracted business persons. In this case, to use and stay in a particular chain of hotels.
Case studies illustrate ideas and success, pitfalls, or failure of marketing, advertising, and sales. Case studies show that campaigns can be successful both in the real and virtual world, describing promotional projects that cost a fortune or next to nothing, whether using billboards, creating events, or online through social media etc. I have examples of all of them in my books. The key point about case studies is that you can learn rapidly from hearing, reading, viewing, and visualizing how success was achieved. You also learn from their failures and where the pitfalls are in order to avoid those. Remember, success is getting customers to buy or clients smiling as their aims are achieved through your swift response with the solution. The book 'Value for Money Marketing' describes how to measure marketing, sales, or advertising success.

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