Understanding treatment coverage in mass drug administrations

Published on July 31, 2022   25 min

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Hello. My name is Maggie Baker. I am an associate professor at Georgetown University. I have worked at the global level for the last few years on research and on USAID-funded entity projects RTI International. I also still really value the foundational experience that I had on NTDs, working embedded within ministries of health and their national LF programs. First in Vanuatu in the south Pacific, and then the Dominican Republic. In this presentation, I want to bring together a wide range of experiences that have been shared by people working in NTD endemic countries on the front line and presented at conferences and publications.
In this talk, I'm going to cover the definitions of measurement of treatment coverage, why coverage matters, what we know about who is and who is not being reached, and approaches and tools that can be used to improve coverage.
Starting with definitions and measurement of treatment coverage.
Mass Drug Administration (MDA) means providing treatments usually, but not only, in the form of tablets, with the goal of bringing down disease and infection to very low levels. Thus, eliminating the suffering of hundreds of the world's poorest and most marginalized populations. Just like with the COVID vaccine, the goal is often to treat entire populations living in places at risk, from the very young to the old.
Mass Drug Administration or MDA is delivered through different distribution platforms. On the left, this drug distributor is going house to house, giving treatment to all persons in all houses within the area she has been assigned. In the top right, you see the treatments being delivered through what is referred to as a fixed post or booth. These are temporary spots set up around the community to which people are asked to come to be treated. Then schools are also often used, especially for schistosomiasis treatments, which target mainly school age children. This figure shows the many different elements

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Understanding treatment coverage in mass drug administrations

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