Preservation of fertility in cancer patients: the impact of chemotherapy

Published on August 29, 2021   35 min

A selection of talks on Reproduction & Development

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Hello, I'm Kutluk Oktay, I'm a professor of obstetrics and gynecology and reproductive sciences at Yale University School of Medicine. I'm also the director of the Laboratory of Molecular Reproduction and Innovation Institute for Fertility Preservation and IVF. I'll be talking to you about fertility preservation approaches in cancer patients. I will give you what's currently known and what's in the future.
First of all, I have no conflicts pertaining to this presentation. Some of the research that I will be showing you is supported by various grants from the National Institutes of Health. I'm also the co-chair of the American Society of Clinical Oncology Fertility Preservation Guidelines Committee.
In this talk, we will first be delving into several concepts that are relevant to our talk. One is ovarian reserve; how chemotherapy affects ovarian reserve. Because in many cancers, as well as in hematological diseases and other systemic diseases, cancer drugs are used, and they have irreversible damaging effects on ovarian follicle reserves. We're going to talk about that and explain it, because that's going to bring everything into perspective and tie it in to the next section, where we'll discuss how we justify fertility preservation and how we make our decisions, in terms of who should get fertility preservation and what kinds of procedures should be chosen. If you're a practitioner listening to this, this is a section that could be very practical for you. I will then get into the practical points about specific fertility preservation procedures. Firstly embryo cryopreservation, with that we will be focusing on a specific case, that is, breast cancer, because that is the most common cancer seen in reproductive age women, and ovarian stimulation can be tricky in those patients. Next, we will touch very briefly on egg freezing, I'm not going to spend too much time on that, and we will talk about ovarian tissue cryopreservation, which is a new approach but no longer experimental. We will then go into potential pharmacological methods of fertility preservation; first ovarian suppression (a controversial approach), and then into some future potential approaches.

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Preservation of fertility in cancer patients: the impact of chemotherapy

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