All Experts in Technology & Operations


Prof. Ilan Alon
School of Economics, College of Management, Israel
Mr. Will Beeson
Head of Operations & Innovation, CivilisedBank, UK
Prof. John Bessant
University of Exeter Business School, UK
Mr. Tom Breur
XLNT Consulting, The Netherlands
Prof. Martin Christopher
Emeritus Professor of Marketing and Logistics, Cranfield School of Management, UK
Prof. Joel R. Evans
Zarb School of Business, Hofstra University, USA
Prof. Robert D. (Bob) Galliers
Bentley University, USA
Ms. Rowena Hennigan
TU Dublin, Ireland
Prof. Derek Law
University of Strathclyde, UK
Dr. Michael McDonald
Fairfield University and Morning Investments, USA
Prof. Anne-Laure Mention
RMIT University, Australia
Prof. John T. Mentzer
Chancellor's Professor, The University of Tennessee, USA
Dr. Josh Morton
University of Leeds, UK
Prof. Ilan Noy
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Mr. Claudiu Popa
Informatica Corporation, Canada
Dr. Darren Prokop
University of Alaska Anchorage, USA
Ms. Theresa Regli
The Real Story Group, USA/UK, UK
Prof. Nadine Roijakkers
Open University of The Netherlands, The Netherlands
Mr. Mariusz Soltanifar
Hanze International Business School, The Netherlands
Prof. Joseph Tidd
University of Sussex, UK
Prof. Jan A. Van Mieghem
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA


Mr. Ed Addison
Chairman of Cloud Pharmaceuticals and Adjunct Professor at North Carolina State University, USA
Dr. Jubril Adeojo
Co-Founder/COO, OneWattSolar, Nigeria
Prof. Sylvie Albert
The University of Winnipeg, Canada
Prof. Gad Allon
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA
Prof. Shoshana S. Altschuller
Iona College, USA
Prof. Asim Ansari
Professor of Marketing, University of Columbia, USA
Dr. Rachel Ashman
University of Liverpool, UK
Dr. Anders Åslund
Senior Fellow, Stockholm Free World Forum, Sweden
Dr. Jonathan D.M. Atkinson
Partner HGF Limited and Director, Atkinson IP Consulting Limited, UK
Dr. Peter Atorough
University of Roehampton, UK
Dr. Laurel C. Austin
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Dr. Mehdi Bagherzadeh
NEOMA Business School, France
Mr. Mark Bailey
Group CEO, CustomerFusion Group, Australia
Mr. Scott Baldwin
eBay, USA
Dr. Judith M. Bardwick
Management consultant and author, USA
Ms. Jo Ann Barefoot
Barefoot Innovation Group, USA
Prof. Christopher Barrett
Cornell University, USA
Ms. Amalia Barthel
CEO and Founder of Designing Privacy, Canada
Prof. Emeritus Patrick Barwise
London Business School, UK
Mr. Michael Becker
EVP of Business Development, iLoop Mobile Inc., USA
Mr. Will Beeson
Head of Operations & Innovation, CivilisedBank, UK
Prof. Suzanne Benn
University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Business School, Australia
Mr. Mike Bernon
Cranfield School of Management, UK
Mr. Michael J. A. Berry
Founder, Data Miners Inc., USA
Dr. Sea Matilda Bez
University of Montpellier, France
Mr. Les Binet
European Director, DDB Matrix, UK
Prof. John R. Birge
Booth School of Business, University of Chicago, USA
Prof. Julian Birkinshaw
London Business School, UK
Mr. Espen Bjellerås
University of Agder, Norway
Dr. Brian Blank
Mississippi State University, USA
Mr. Tom Bowman
Vice President, Strategy & Operations, Global Advertising Sales, BBC Worldwide, UK
Dr. Dionne Boyd
CEO, IAM Marketing Agency, USA
Dr. Frances Boylan
TU Dublin, Ireland
Prof. Alan Braithwaite
Chairman of LCP Consulting, Visiting Professor, Cranfield School of Management, Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management, UK
Ms. Susan Briggs
Director, The Tourism Network, UK
Prof. Amanda Broderick
Professor of Marketing and Advertising, University of Coventry, UK
Dr. Eugene Buff
Founder & President, Primary Care Innovation Consulting, USA
Prof. Dimitrios Buhalis
Bournemouth University, UK
Dr. Jörn Bühring
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Mr. Doug Busk
Vice President of Product Marketing – North America, SpinVox, USA
Ms. Catriona Campbell
Founder, Foviance, UK
Ms. Claire Carpenter
Founder and CEO, The Melting Pot, UK
Mr. Bruce Carter
General Manager, BT OneDesk, UK
Prof. Wayne F. Cascio
University of Colorado Denver, USA
Ms. Sarah Jane Cashman
Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Dr. Vidhi A. Chaudhri
Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Dr. Jo Cheesman
Key Account Manager, Academee, UK
Prof. Henry Chesbrough
Luiss Guido Carli University, Italy
Prof. Graciela Chichilnisky
Columbia University, USA
Dr. Jiri Chod
Carroll School of Management, Boston College, USA
Prof. Sunil Chopra
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA
Ms. Hala Matar Choufany
President, HVS Middle East, Africa & South Asia, UAE
Mr. Gerry Christensen
Chief Technology Officer, Zoove, USA
Mr. Ernesto Ciorra
Chief Innovability Officer, Enel, Italy
Dr. Mike Clayton
Business Author and Educator, UK
Prof. Robert Clemen
Duke University, USA
Ms. Maébh Coleman
TU Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Shirley Coleman
Newcastle University, UK
Mx. Dave Cook
University College London, UK
Ms. Amanda Crank
Customer Service Operations Manager, The Co-operative Financial Services, UK
Ms. Jane Crofts
Founder and CEO, Data to the People, Australia
Prof. Nathalie Crutzen
University of Liège, Belgium
Prof. Bjorn Cumps
Vlerick Business School, Belgium
Ms. Izabella Dabrowska
Senior SEA specialist at VakantieDiscounter, The Netherlands
Dr. Anne Daguerre
University of Brighton, UK
Mr. James Darcey
Senior Vice President, Single Touch Interactive, USA
Mr. Mark Davey
Cliffe Associates, UK
Ms. Emma Davies
Strategy Director at Voiceboxx, UK
Dr. Ramon P. DeGennaro
University of Tennessee, USA
Dr. Chiara Eleonora De Marco
Senior Associate, Capital Projects & Economics, GIS-Global Incentive Service, PwC, Italy
Dr. Kenneth P. De Meuse
President, Wisconsin Management Group, USA
Prof. Natalie M. Dengler
Iona College, USA
Dr. Kevin C. Desouza
University of Washington, USA
Prof. Timothy Devinney
University of Leeds, UK
Prof. James Devlin
Nottingham Trent University, UK
Prof. Steven Dhondt
KU Leuven, Belgium
Prof. Larry Diamond
Stanford University, USA
Ms. Lisa Ditlefsen
Head of Search, Base One Group, UK
Mr. Daniel Dobrygowski
Head of Corporate Governance and Digital Trust, World Economic Forum, USA
Mr. Jonathan Donovan
Managing Director, Townhouse Consulting Ltd., UK
Prof. Rafiq Dossani
Stanford University, USA
Mr. Nick Drake-Knight
Founder, NDK Group, UK
Mr. William Durr
Principal Global Solutions Consultant, Witness Systems, USA
Mr. Peter du Toit
Founder, FutureWork IQ, South Africa
Mr. Seth Earley
Earley & Associates, USA
Mr. David C. Edelman
Harvard Business School, USA
Prof. Barry Eichengreen
University of California, Berkeley, USA
Dr. Fiona Ellis-Chadwick
Senior Lecturer, Open University Business School, UK
Prof. Peter Enderwick
Head, Department of International Management, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Dr. Mark Esposito
Hult International Business School & Harvard University, USA
Prof. Joel R. Evans
Zarb School of Business, Hofstra University, USA
Mr. Sunny Faronbi
Managing Partner, Rehoboth Consulting, Inc., USA
Ms. Laurel Farrer
CEO, Distribute Consulting; Founder, Remote Work Association, USA
Mr. Bill Faust
Author and Executive Director at CustomerFusion Group, UK
Dr. Maya Finger
The College of Management Academic Studies, Israel
Dr. Susan S. Fiorito
Professor, College of Business, Florida State University, USA
Mr. Chris Flack
Co-founder, UnPlug, Ireland
Prof. Daniel S. Fogel
Director of the Graduate Programs in Sustainability, Wake Forest University, USA
Mr. Shaun Frankson
Plastic Bank Co-founder, Canada
Dr. Bernardo Frossard Silva-Rêgo
Universidade Catolica de Petropolis, Brazil
Mr. Stephen Frost
CEO, Frost Included, UK
Prof. Jérémie Gallien
London Business School, UK
Prof. Robert D. (Bob) Galliers
Bentley University, USA
Mr. Val-Pierre Genton
Co-Founder and VP, Growth of New Business Development, BrightTALK and Chair, IAB's B2B Council, UK
Dr. Janet Godsell
University of Warwick, UK
Dr. Chris Golding
Alliance Manchester Business School, UK
Prof. Peter Grabosky
Australian National University, Australia
Prof. David Grant
Professor of Logistics and Director, Logistics Institute, Hull University Business School, UK
Prof. Robert Grant
Bocconi University, Italy
Mr. Rufus Grig
Managing Director, Callmedia, UK
Dr. Wendy Gunther
VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dr. Jim Hamill
Reader, University of Strathclyde, UK
Mr. Michael Hanley
Assistant Professor of Advertising, Ball State University, USA
Dr. Annmarie Hanlon
Cranfield School of Management, UK
Mr. Ted Hart
CEO, Hart Philanthropic Services Group, USA
Ms. Rowena Hennigan
TU Dublin, Ireland
Prof. Cameron Hepburn
University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Regina Herzlinger
Harvard Business School, United States, USA
Dr. Garrick Hileman
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Peter Hines
Founder, S A Partners, and Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Dr. Marcus Holgersson
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Dr. David Holman
Senior Lecturer, University of Sheffield, UK
Dr. John Hopkins
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Prof. Dr. Arnd Huchzermeier
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
Dr. Andrew Humphries
Ms. Amara Humphry
Abl Schools, USA
Dr. Md. Ariful Islam
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh
Dr. Karl Isler
Head of Operations Research and Strategy, Revenue Management, Pricing and Distribution Department, Swiss International Airlines, Switzerland
Ms. Donna M. Iucolano
Spinach Candy, LLC
Dr. William Janeway
University of Cambridge and Warburg Pincus, UK
Mr. Trevor Johnson
Head of Market Development, EMEA, Facebook, UK
Mr. Donald B. Johnston
Aird and Berlis LLP, Canada
Prof. Cecilia Jona-Lasinio
Italian Statistical Institute (ISTAT) and LUISS Guido Carli University, Italy
Prof. Lynn R. Kahle
University of Oregon, USA
Prof. Anna Karpovsky
Boston College, USA
Prof. Barry Keating
University of Notre Dame, USA
Dr. Omera Khan
Lecturer in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, University of Manchester, UK
Dr. Hanne Knight
University of Plymouth, UK
Dr. Steven Kramer
Nova Southeastern University, USA
Prof. Vish Krishnan
Rady School of Management, University of California, San Diego, USA
Dr. Dušan Kučera
University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. Martin A. Lariviere
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA
Mr. Paul Lashmar
Brunel University, UK
Dr. Kenneth Le Meunier-FitzHugh
Visiting Fellow, University of Warwick, UK
Mr. Ian Lenathen
Business Consultant and Author, Canada
Prof. Kenneth L. Leonard
University of Maryland, USA
Dr. Barry Leventhal
BarryAnalytics Ltd, UK
Dr. Hairong Li
Associate Professor, Michigan State University, USA
Ms. Lily Li
Citi Global Wealth, USA
Mr. Barry Libert
Chairman and CEO, AIMatters, Inc., USA
Mr. Christopher Lier
Start-up Founder, CMO LeadGen App, UK
Dr. Jake Lin
Bielefeld University, Germany
Mr. Gordon S. Linoff
Founder and Principal, Data Miners Inc., USA
Mr. David H. Lipsey
Principal, Media & Entertainment, Optimity Advisors, USA
Dr. Jane Lomax
Head of Ontologies, SciBite, UK
Dr. Alejandro Lopez-Lira
University of Florida, USA
Dr. Maral Mahdad
Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands
Dr. Stan Maklan
Senior Lecturer in Strategic Marketing, Cranfield School of Management, UK
Prof. D. John Mangan
University of Newcastle, UK
Prof. Mitchell Lee Marks
San Francisco State University, Ca., USA
Ms. Laura Marriott
President, Mobile Marketing Association, USA
Dr. Joseph Martelli
University of Findlay, USA
Dr. Michael McDonald
Fairfield University and Morning Investments, USA
Prof. Alan McKinnon
Professor of Logistics, Logistics Research Centre, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Mr. Rhys McLachlan
Head of Broadcast Implementation, MediaCom, UK
Mr. Al Mcleod
Entrepreneur and Consultant, Canada
Mr. Danny Meadows-Klue
Founder and CEO, Digital Strategy Consulting Ltd, UK
Ms. Marisol Menendez
Head of Open Innovation NFI, Norway
Dr. Massimo Menichinelli
Elisava, Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, University of Vic – Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC), Spain
Prof. Anne-Laure Mention
RMIT University, Australia
Mr. Cosmin Mihaiu
MIRA Rehab, UK
Mr. Grant Millar
Managing Director, Vizeum, UK
Dr. David Mills
The Federal Reserve, USA
Prof. Alistair Milne
Loughborough University, UK
Prof. Bamshad Mobasher
Professor of Computing, DePaul University, USA
Dr. Petra Molthan-Hill
Nottingham Business School, UK
Dr. Josh Morton
University of Leeds, UK
Prof. Donald R. Moscato
Iona College, USA
Ms. Stephanie T.G Moura
University College Cork, Ireland
Dr. Deepraj Mukherjee
Kent State University, USA
Ms. Alix Murphy
WorldRemit, UK
Ms. Beverly Murphy
Assistant Director, Duke University Medical Center Library & Archives, USA
Mr. Valentine Mwangi
Founder and Program Lead at AfterWork, Kenya
Prof. Sue Newell
Bentley University, USA
Mr. John Newton
Group Marketing Director, ClickThrough Marketing, UK
Mr. Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez
IE Business School, Spain
Dr. Sladjana Nørskov
Aarhus University, Denmark
Dr. Rory V. O'Connor
Dublin City University, Ireland
Mr. Steve O'Connor
Maverick Consultants, Australia
Mr. John O'Duinn
Strategist and Author, CivicActions, USA
Dr. Enrique Orduña-Malea
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Ms. Pilar Orti
Director of Virtual not Distant, Podcaster, and Author, UK
Dr. Jeroen Oskam
Hotelschool The Hague, The Netherlands
Prof. Gunnar Óskarsson
University of Iceland and Avinningur Ltd., Reykjavik, Iceland
Dr. Hakan Ozalp
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Ms. Elena Pasquali
Co-founder and CEO of Ecosteer, Italy
Ms. Charlotte Pearce
CEO and Founder, Inkpact, UK
Dr. David W. Peck
Loughborough University, UK
Prof. Johannes Pennings
Wharton Business School, USA
Prof. Joe Peppard
Cranfield School of Management, UK
Dr. Milly Perry
Consultant in Innovation and Blockchain, Israel
Mr. Steve Pink
Managing Consultant, Telecommerce, UK
Dr. Ricardo Pino
Centrum PUCP, Peru
Mr. David Polinchok
Founder and Chief Experience Officer, Brand Experience Lab, USA
Dr. Keith Pond
EFMD Global Network, UK
Mr. Claudiu Popa
Informatica Corporation, Canada
Dr. Darren Prokop
University of Alaska Anchorage, USA
Dr. Michael Puleo
Fairfield University, USA
Dr. Wendy M. Purcell
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, USA
Mr. Dorian Pyle
Director of Modeling, Numetrics Management Systems, USA
Dr. Christina Quinlan
Technological University Dublin, Ireland
Ms. Mmatšatši Ramawela
Director, Gecko Afrika Holdings, South Africa
Dr. G.D. Ramkumar
Co-founder and CTO, SnapTell, USA
Dr. Krithika Randhawa
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Prof. Carlo Ratti
Director at MIT Senseable City Lab, USA
Dr. Amy Ray
Bentley University, USA
Prof. Jonathon Read
Luxembourg School of Business, Luxembourg
Ms. Theresa Regli
The Real Story Group, USA/UK, UK
Ms. Phyllis Reuther
CTO, Archipelago Network, USA
Mr. Philipp Rimpp
Clausthal University of Technology, Germany
Dr. David Roberts
Loughborough University, UK
Dr. Pauline Rooney
TU Dublin, Ireland
Dr. Pierangelo Rosati
University of Galway, Ireland
Mr. Jeff Rose-Martland
Consultant, Martland Management, Canada
Mr. Bill Rosenblatt
President, GiantSteps Media Technology Strategies, USA
Dr. Donald Rosenfield
Sloan School of Management, MIT, USA
Mr. Asher Rospigliosi
University of Brighton, UK
Prof. J. Edward Russo
Cornell University, USA
Dr. Kim E. Ruyle
Inventive Talent Consulting, USA
Ms. Catelynne Sahadath
University of Calgary, Canada
Dr. Dimitrios Salampasis
Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Prof. Dr. Mark Sanders
Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Dr. Krishnaswamy Sankaran
Partner, EY Switzerland, Switzerland
Dr. Vincent Schippers
Utrecht University School of Economics, The Netherlands
Dr. Alexander Lennart Schmidt
Hotelschool The Hague, The Netherlands
Prof. Glen Schmidt
University of Utah, USA
Prof. Don E. Schultz
Professor Emeritus (In-Service), Medill School, Northwestern University, USA
Prof. John Seddon
Visiting Professor, Cardiff University and Managing Director, Vanguard Consulting, UK
Dr. Khuram Shahzad
University of Vaasa, Finland
Mr. Nigel Sheldon
Digital Strategy Consultant, UK
Mr. Steve Shellabear
Principal Consultant, Dancing Lion Training & Consultancy Ltd., UK
Dr. Xiaobai Shen
Edinburgh Business School, UK
Prof. Andrew Sherman
University of Maryland, USA
Dr. Eric Siegel
Founder, Predictive Analytics World, USA
Prof. Johannes Siegrist
University of Dusseldorf, Germany
Ms. Lindsey Sikora
University of Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Aušrinė Šilenskytė
University of Vaasa, Finland
Ms. Elizabeth Smart
Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, USA
Ms. Pauline Smith
Head of Contact Centre Operations, Nottinghamshire Police, UK
Mr. Mariusz Soltanifar
Hanze International Business School, The Netherlands
Prof. Jing-Sheng Song
Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, USA
Dr. Carsten Sørensen
Senior Lecturer, LSE, UK
Prof. Leigh Sparks
University of Stirling, UK
Dr. Steven J. Spear
MIT Sloan School of Management, USA
Dr. Fabian Stephany
University of Oxford, UK
Mr. Jim Sterne
Chairman, Web Analytics Association, USA
Ms. Jennifer Stirrup
Founder and CEO of Data Relish, UK
Prof. Merlin Stone
Director, WCL and Professor of Marketing, Bristol Business School, UK
Ms. Diane Strahan
Vice President of Mobile Services, Neustar, USA
Mr. Rod Street
Executive Partner, IBM Global Business Services, UK
Dr. Manj Subiah R.
Executive Coach, South Africa
Prof. K. G. Suresh
Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism & Communication, India
Ms. Lisette Sutherland
Director, Collaboration Superpowers, The Netherlands
Dr. Kyra Leigh Sutton
Rutgers University, USA
Dr. Olinga Taeed
Director of Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance, UK
Dr. Peter Tatham
Griffith Business School, Australia
Prof. Sridhar Tayur
School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Dr. Gary Templeton
West Virginia University, USA
Prof. Leigh Thompson
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA
Mr. Alex Thomson
Chief Correspondent, Channel 4 News, UK
Mr. Stephen Thurlbeck
Paralucent Inc., Canada
Prof. Brian Tomlin
Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, USA
Mr. Chris Torbit
Vice President of Mobile Services, SmartReply, USA
Ms. Francoise Tourniaire
Founder and Principal, FT Works, USA
Prof. Charles O. Trevor
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Prof. Bo van der Rhee
Nyenrode Business University, The Netherlands
Prof. Jan A. Van Mieghem
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA
Dr. Nükhet Vardar
Founder, El Izi Communications Consultancy, UK
Dr. Ramin Vatanparast
Senior Strategy & Business Development Manager, Nokia, USA
Dr. Kellie Vincent
University of Bedfordshire Business School, UK
Dr. Ivanka Visnjic
ESADE Business School, Spain
Ms. Floria Volynskaya
University of Maryland, USA
Prof. Georg von Krogh
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland
Mr. Alec Wadey
Technical Architect, HintTech, UK
Dr. Erica Wagner
Portland State University, USA
Ms. Kathryn Waite
Lecturer in Marketing, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Ms. Peiwen Wang
Leeds University Business School, UK
Mr. Jonathan Wax
Vice President EMEA, Nexidia, UK
Dr. Guntram Werther
Temple University, USA
Dr. Connie White
Columbia College Chicago, USA
Prof. Lawrence J. White
New York University, USA
Prof. Richard Wilding
Professor of Supply Chain Risk Management, Cranfield School of Management, UK
Mr. Chris Wilson
CEO, Loewy B2B, UK
Mr. Eric Wilson
The Institute of Business Forecasting and Planning, USA
Prof. Hugh Wilson
Professor of Strategic Marketing, Cranfield School of Management, UK
Mr. Jonathan Wilson
Executive Coach and Leadership Consultant, Budd, UK
Prof. Ian Witten
Professor of Computer Science, University of Waikato, New Zealand
Mr. Matt Wong
Liquidaty, USA
Mr. Neil Woodcock
The Customer Framework, UK
Dr. Markos Zachariadis
Warwick Business School, UK
Mr. Shahid Zaki
Institute of Business Administration Karachi, Pakistan
Dr. Ying Zhang
Fairfield University, USA
Mrs. Tanya Zhelezniak
IT and Digital Marketing Consultant, Business Strategy Educator, Israel
Prof. George A. Zsidisin
Bowling Green State University, USA