Mr. Peter Burnhill Director, EDINA national data centre, University of Edinburgh, UK

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Peter Burnhill is Director of EDINA, the JISC National Data Centre at the University of Edinburgh. Having first graduated in Economics and attempted a career in research administration, Mr. Burnhill gained a Masters in Statistics at the London School of Economics. He moved to Edinburgh as a survey statistician designing... read moresurveys and researching into paths through upper secondary school and into further/higher education and the labour market. This took him into data management and in 1983/4 he was appointed to establish the University's Data Library where he communed with software engineers as well as librarians; he also became co-director of the ESRC Regional Research Laboratory for Scotland to promote the value of geographical information systems and was a senior lecturer in the Research Centre for Social Sciences. In 1995, he led the bid to establish what became known as EDINA,, as a UK national data centre designated by JISC - the coordinating body for all universities and colleges in the UK. Mr. Burnhill continues to provide leadership in the development & delivery of services at EDINA.He is active with colleagues nationally and internationally in strategy, design and build of digital infrastructure for the sector:ranging from authentication to measures to ensure open and continuing access to content. Mr. Burnhill is a past president of IASSIST (the association for data librarians and archivists) and served as first director of the Digital Curation Centre. He is an Observer with the ISSN Network, and with the ISSN-IC has launched the Keepers Registry as a global monitor on e-journal archiving activity.