The hospitality industry in Sub-Saharan Africa

Published on February 29, 2024   58 min
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Hello and greetings! My name is Mmatšatši Ramawela. I'm from South Africa. I'm a director of two companies, one specializing in hospitality consultancy called Gecko Africa Holdings, the other one called Africa Tourism Connect, which is a destination management company and finally, I am the Chapter President of the International Institute for Peace through Tourism for Southern Africa. I'm happy to be here to share a perspective, the industry that I love so much, which is called the hospitality industry. To share perspective from an African perspective, specifically Sub Saharan Africa.
In terms of what I'm going to cover in this talk, I will start with setting the scene. Just a few ideas, some few thoughts about what I understand the hospitality industry to be. I will share a bit of hospitality trends on a global scale, which are very much found also in Africa. A lot of similarities there, but just to highlight what the future looks like at the global level and what it looks like from a Sub Saharan Africa perspective. I'll also get into the definition of hospitality. Again, what we understand as hospitality, those of us who are inside the industry, we always have a particular understanding of the industry and we tend to interchange the word hospitality with other terms within the broader travel and tourism sector. A bit of definitions there. Also bring in African perspective of what hospitality means. Then, I'll move on to touch on an orientation of Sub Saharan Africa, touching on the different countries because they're all at different levels of development within the hospitality industry and broadly within the travel and tourism sector. I'll touch on the challenges and of course, on the opportunities to give a bit of perspective of the levels at which the different countries are and of course, the entire region. Lastly, I'll touch on the case study which highlight a hospitality in Sub Saharan African example of a company, and some of the challenges they went through and how they got out of those challenges. I will obviously not use the names of the actual companies, but just enough, a pseudonym just enough to give a perspective of what we're talking about and of course, I will then summarize and conclude the session.

The hospitality industry in Sub-Saharan Africa

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