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Hi, I'm Dr. Massimo Menichinelli, profesor contratado doctor, which is associate professor, at Elisava, Barcelona School of Design and Engineering, University of Vic, University of Central Catalonia. Today, we'll talk about current trends in open science.
The topic of open science has emerged more in the last years and last decade, but actually, it emerged from several long-term trends that started decades ago. Overall, it's the story of increasing the openness, moving from software to science, and even more. Among these trends, there is the long-term trend of opening access of content, information and tools. This, roughly, can be considered as starting in the 1980s. Another long-term trend is increasingly involving users and stakeholders, later, in designing artifacts, tools, services and policies. This started in the 1970s. Another trend, and this is more recent, is the trend of online mass-scale collaboration. While we normally talk about digital platforms in the last two decades, early signs of this can be traced back to the 1990s. Overall, we can consider this as also the impact of digital technologies, especially software, hardware and online platforms, on society, in how we manage processes and how we open them, and how we increase the speed and velocity and variety in the global reach.
In terms of opening content and tools, which are the best examples and the most famous examples, and also, they're probably the fields where all of this has become more popular and relevant in the last decades, is the field of software. And especially with the Free/Libre Open Source Software. Probably the example that is more popular is Linux, the operating system, technically called GNU/Linux because of the root that has been so pervasive in [inaudible] of mobile phones and desktops, that actually created the possibility for many more open source software. And also, for the realization that it, actually, is a way of working. It's a business model that can actually work and it has a lot of potentialities, not just in software.