The legal and ethical framework for international tissue transfer

Published on March 30, 2022   25 min

A selection of talks on Methods

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Dear audience, it is a pleasure for me today to give you the presentation on the ethical and legal framework for international tissue transfer. My name is Dr. Christian Lenk and I'm a professor of medical ethics at the Institute for the History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine at Ulm University in Germany.
To come now to the first slide, the table of contents you see here. Firstly, there will be a short introduction into the theme for you. Then afterwards, I will go to the so-called no-property principle and the bundle theory of property regarding human tissue. There are also some important conventions in this field. For example, the European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, and further on we will deal with commodification of body material, and also question whether it is a damage by loss of such material. Further on, we also treat the so-called double character of body material, and the anonymisation and pseudonormalisation of body material, mainly as measurements for privacy and confidentiality in medicine. Another important declaration and document, number nine, is the Declaration of Taipei from the World Medical Association, which is on health databases and biobanks. Finally, I will draw some conclusions for practice and present the literature To give you a short introduction into the scene,

The legal and ethical framework for international tissue transfer

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