Prof. Andrew Kakabadse Professor of International Management Development, Cranfield School of Management, UK

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Andrew Kakabadse was the H. Smith Richardson Fellow at CCL, North Carolina, USA from Oct 2005-06 and is Visiting Professor at the University of Ulster, Ireland; Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Australia; Thunderbird School of Global Management, USA; Université Panthéon-Assas, France; and, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia. His research covers... read moreboards, top teams and the governance of governments. He has published 35 books, over 200 articles and 18 monographs. Andrew is co-editor of the Journal of Management Development and Corporate Governance: International Journal of Business in Society. His most recent books are entitled, 'Citizenship: A Reality Far from Ideal', 'Global Boards: Once Desire, Many Realities', 'Leadership Teams: Developing and Sustaining High Performance', 'Leading the Board: The Six Disciplines of World-Class Chairmen', 'Leading for Success: The Seven Sides to Great Leaders'.